to which Paul writes:
>Interesting how you use your objections about what has been posted to throw
>out a snide remark about Americans.
see previous post, and watch your own prejudice!
PS FYI, here is the correct definition for prejudice, maybe you can use it
sometime Paul.
prej-u-dice (prRj2õ-d¾s) n.
1.a. An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge
or examination of the facts. b. A preconceived preference or idea.
2. The act or state of holding unreasonable preconceived judgments or
3. Irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race, or religion.
4. Detriment or injury caused to a person by the preconceived, unfavorable
conviction of another or others.
-prej-u-dice tr.v. prej-u-diced, prej-u-dic-ing, prej-u-dic-es.
1. To cause (someone) to judge prematurely and irrationally.
2. To affect injuriously or detrimentally by a judgment or an act.