You might be able to buy glass rods from window/glazier stores.
On Wed, 11 Jun 1997, Peter Marshall wrote:
> In-Reply-To: <>
> << but I think I
> remember someone asking for help with the technique of coating with a
> glass rod and I don't recall ever seeing a response. >>
> Dennis
> You are probably correct. It is however dealt with I think on various of the
> web-sites, FAQs and the archives.
> But, briefly:
> You need a glass rod or tube that is bent upward at both ends to hold, with
> the straight section being slightly longer than the width of the area you want
> to coat. I normally used it across the widest dimension of the print. Like
> this (but I can't draw the bends as curves).
> | |
> |______________________________|
> You can buy these or get anyone who has access to a chem lab to bend one - it
> only takes a couple of minutes.
> Peter Marshall
> On Fixing Shadows and elsewhere:
> Family Pictures, German Indications, London demonstrations &
> The Buildings of London etc:
Gordon J. Holtslander 112 Science Place
URL: University of Saskatchewan
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