<< process. This brings up a different question. I think I would be more
> successful using a middle-tone paper and printing up both highlights and
> shadows. The problem is: what colored paper can hold up to
> multiple-coat gum printing?
> Any suggestions are welcome.
> Robert Revere >>
Some years ago I had a great deal of fun printing just as you describe. I
used two methods to achieve the grey toned paper I wanted. The first was to
add acrylic color to my gesso sizing. The second was to coat a grey coat of
gum bichromate and expose without a neg. For myself I much preferred using
the colored gesso. Also after having watched a drawing class at school, I
printed the shadow coats with a deep red such as Indian Red with a touch of
Black added. If you print nudes using this technique people will know right
off you're an "artist".
Bernard Boudreau