Re: Fresson Paper Manufacture

Richard Sullivan (
Thu, 10 Jul 1997 10:29:47 -0600

At 12:20 AM 7/10/97 -0400, you wrote:
>On Wed, 9 Jul 1997, Richard Sullivan wrote:
>> . . .
>> It is puzzling why Fresson whould spin coat as it seems to be a piecemeal
>> approach when roller "kiss" coating would make more sense. I fail to see
>> what the advantage would be to them, though there very well may be one.

>Roll coating works very well with a continuous web of material, but not
>cut sheets. Now think about doing color where each print it coated,
>exposed and developed four times . . . the coating of sheets is the

Ok, I'll buy that about the cut sheets. However, I would think that any
paper that they would want to use could be gotten in rolls and I would
think that "kiss" coating would be more accurate than one at a time spin
coating, even if the goal was four coats. I hope I don't sound
argumentative, I don't mean to be, I just like to brainstorm a little.

I have heard from Nanson that a Meyer Bar is a wire wound rod and not one
with grooves cut in it. Any thoughts on Meyer bar coating?


Bostick & Sullivan
PO Box 16639, Santa Fe
NM 87506
505-474-0890 FAX 505-474-2857