I thought gum persons might be interested to know that on a gum workshop
this week we all used Bockingford 140 lb paper.
This way one avoids the need both for stretching the paper and for pre
sizing. This being with water-colour and Gloy..
This combination, with four coats, produced strong colours, good gradation
and registration and no trace of degradation in the highlights for
twenty-two prints out of twenty-two (some of which went wrong, however,
for other reasons).
I used Bockingford for a similar experiment earlier this year using tanned
gum, gelatine hardened with formaldehyde, acrylic size and unsized paper.
There was very little to choose between the results.
Bockingford is a good paper to start a gum printing career. Of course you
can carry on using it if you like the effect that one obtains from its
You will need to size, however, with most other papers
Terry King