Re: Toning Polaroid Prints

Luis Nadeau (
Wed, 25 Jun 1997 10:07:04 -0300

At 10:57 PM 97/06/24, Larry Bullis wrote:
>The item about selenium toning a polaroid negative to get more printing
>density/contrast was quite interesting, as well as the possibility of
>toning prints.
>Regarding the negatives, I once used the harmonizing process that is in
>Photographic Facts and Formulas (bichromate bleach, redevelop in
>non-staining developer) to change the scale of a Polaroid negative, then
>copper toned it. The negative looked really incredible, and gave a
>rather wonderful print on silver paper. I would think this might work
>well with uv processes as well. The color of the negative was well into
>the brown range.

Don't expect copper toned negs to last very long. Selenium toning should be
ok however.

Luis Nadeau
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada