I just searched quickly through my library looking for any do-it-yourself
selenium toning formulas and have found none. I seem to recall that I had
seen one and it used elemental selenium of which there are about 5 forms of
it listed in the Mercke Index. My handbook says that there is one form that
is soluble, a colloidal form, and that may be what is used.
Spectrum sell selenium powder (what form??) at $75.00 for 500 gm. Probably
enough to tone all of New Mexico and then some.
I just searched my InfoSelect database and this popped up:
Some time ago I asked for a formula for selenium toning and received a
couple of replies from the list. I just got my hands in the June 1942 issue
of American Photography and I have just found another one:
Hot water 700 cc.
Sodium sulphite 150 g
Powdered selenium 6 g
Boil until dissolved. Cool to 65 deg F and add while stirring
Ammonium chloride 190 g
Add water to make 1000 cc.
<< end message
I am sorry I didn't save the author's name. I also think this is similar in
strength to the Kodak stock solution. BUT...it has no thiosulfate!
Looks like you can make your own for about $1.25 per liter.
If folks think this is useful let me know and I'll stock the selenium or
make the toner for sale. I think I'll order some and try it myself.
Dick Sullivan
Bostick & Sullivan
PO Box 16639, Santa Fe
NM 87506
505-474-0890 FAX 505-474-2857