Re: Dear Hearts

Terry King (
Mon, 30 Jun 1997 15:32:12 -0400

Message text written by Garry Lewis
>This is stupid!!!

I signed on this group to learn-not to be inbroiled
in a
"you did it_no,you did it
,you said_no,you said,
you started it_no, I didn't-- bruhaha!!
If you people can't get along as adults and leave EACH
alone or at least stop this angry diatribe-
then go stand in the corner like the children your
acting like. I'm sorry that my harsh comments have come to
but I've just about had enough from both sides and
will move my attention to other groups unless or until this
nonsense has come to an end.

yours irritated to desperation words,


I sympathise.

Please can we get on with the work of the list.

Terry king