Re: The Gum Project . . .

Art Chakalis (
Wed, 16 Jul 1997 19:41:13 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 16 Jul 1997, Richard Sullivan wrote:

> Your ideas about the synthetics are interesting. Everyone knows about
> polyvinyl alcohol but boy do we have a ton of these polymers to work with
> that the old dudes didn't have.

I think they are worth looking at.

> This is all lots of fun. But just think, if Polaroid wanted to produce a
> direct carbon material, they could do it in a month. No kidding.

>From a technology standpoint I agree completely. From a practical
standpoint not even remotely possible . . . it would take a month just to
write the plan to request the resources to investigate what direct carbon
material is. Shoot, the market research alone would take a year. In the
end the projected return wouldn't meet their investment criteria and the
project would be dumped. Dick . . . I've spent most of my working career
either employed directly or consulting to corporations (nothing to do with
photography unfortunately). I'll be producing and selling the materials
long before Polaroid. On the other hand, to paraphrase Leonardo da Vinci,
if a sleeping giant is aroused get down the bean stalk quickly . . .

Back to photography, what is Gloy made of?

Sincerely, Art

Art Chakalis
Columbus, Ohio, USA