(no subject)

Tom Ferguson (tomf2468@pipeline.com)
Sun, 27 Jul 1997 08:05:31 -0700

Philippe Monnoyer wrote:
>I have a question too about infrared: Is it possible to find very fine
>grain 35mm infrared films ? I guess not. I assume the crystals have to be
>very large in order to trap the maximum number of IR photons ...?

The Konica IR film is much finer grained than Kodak HIE. It is available
in 35mm and 120. It can be a bit hard to find, I believe Calumet sells it
mail order.

It can be loaded in "subdued" light (I would suggest quite subdued, not
just turning your body away from the sun to make a shadow). It is about EI
12 for film speed (with a #25 filter). I usually bracket at 1/8 and 1/15
at F16 in full sun with the red filter. Konica's development instructions
seemed rather excessive, I used about 20 or 25% less time than they
suggested (and I have a cold light on my enlarger!).

I like the Konica better than HIE, it is bit less extreme (I believe that
means it records less into IR than HIE). Unfortunately its slow speed
almost requires a tripod.

tomf2468@pipeline.com (Tom Ferguson)