Re: Strange Thing with Step Wedge
R. Connelly (
Mon, 28 Jul 1997 21:48:49 -0700 (PDT)
> In a message dated 97-07-28 02:55:46 EDT, (R.
> Connelly) writes:
> << I've developed Arista lith film in Dektol 1:10 for two to three minutes
> with good results.
> >>
> On Mon, 28 Jul 1997 wrote:
> Thanks. This suggests that I might have overexposed my negative, so it went
> into the solarization region.
> By the way, do you use densitometry? Do you happen to know what Dmax you can
> get with the development combination mentioned above?
Developed for 3 minutes, I got a Dmax of 1.9. I've never conducted very
thorough tests with this film. That is, I've never printed step wedges and
plotted the curves. I made a few test exposures until I got negatives that
had the range I was looking for. I have noticed occasional mottling in the
highlights when I developed for only two minutes. I've been considering
trying POTA, since it's a very low contrast developer and might work well
with a lith film.