Re: Sheila Metzner's "Color"
Thu, 23 Oct 1997 13:08:27 -0400 (EDT)

<< I believe that the entire book is of Fresson prints . . . thats the good
news. The bad news is that the reproduction of a Fresson print in this
manner looses most of the prints beauty (not unlike many of the alternative

Yes, I could image that at least the surface texture/feel/relief effect will
be lost. Also, there is a grain pattern in Fresson (which I have never seen a
true one), and when the reproduction is not the same size, you cannot really
tell how it would look/feel in the actual print. But, I still love and admire
her work so much that even a cheap reproduction on a magazine (like in the
last issue of Photo Techniques) thrills me. Maybe I will faint when I see a
real one. :)

>> You may want to get the book through interlibrary loan to look it over
before buying a copy.

Great great idea! Thanks!