Alt-photo process exhibit in Boston, MA, USA

Karen Molloy (
Tue, 28 Oct 1997 22:37:15 -0500 (EST)

"Urban Textures", a solo show by Karen Molloy will be on exhibit at the
Stebbins Gallery in Cambridge, MA, USA from Nov. 1-30.
The show features K. Molloy's recent photocollages on paper and fabric,
using alternative photo processes.

The work includes artists' books, fabric collages, paper quilts, and
photomontage prints in cynotype, brownprinting, and Polaroid image transfer.

The opening reception is Nov. 1, 2-5 p.m at the gallery, which is located
in at Zero Church St in Harvard Square.

Gallery hours: Sat. 11-5, Sun. 12-4, and by appointment (617-576-0131).

Karen Molloy