Re: Mailing List for Printmakers?

Greg Schmitz (
Wed, 29 Oct 1997 00:27:12 -0500 (EST)

You might want to check out the LETPRESS list available via
LISTSERV@LISTSERV.UNB.CA. The LETPRESS list is lively group. The
subject matter tends to revolve around lead type though there have
been discussions about printing history, electrotypes, photo polymer
plates, computers (and printing) and other printing matters; very
little discussion of intaglio printing or lithography (if you find a
group that concentrates on lithography or intaglio let me know).
Complete archives for the LETPRESS list are also available from the

There is also a "BOOKARTS" list but I don't have the address at hand
and am not personally familiar with the group; though I have been told
that printing matters are discussed from time to time.

-greg schmitz <>

> From Tue Oct 21 19:47:51 1997
> Subject: Mailing List for Printmakers?
> To:
> Does anyone know any mailing list and/or newsgroup for printmakers? I am a
> subscriber to the print-l list, but that list is more for collector and
> discussion of the prints. I am looking for a list or group that discuss about
> the process.
> Thanks in advance.

>===for PGP Key finger Greg Schmitz <>===
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