Wed, 29 Oct 1997 21:47:16 -0500
I am beginning to work with the Cyanotype process and am trying to get
a standard procedure that will yield a good print consistently. I am using
Dr. Ware's sensitizer and Twinrocker paper. I try very hard to be
consistent and to keep things clean and uncontaminated. I have run into a
problem that I need some help with. Sometimes I get good clean highlights
and when I try to duplicate the print, I get stained highlights (very light
blue all over). The stain has a reflection density of about .16 on the
twinrocker paper that has a base density of about .05.
Can anyone on the list comment on cyanotype stain and how to avoid it ?
The only variable that I can think of in my procedure is room humidity
and/or drying method. I expose immediately after drying.
Many thanks
John Dixon
E-mail from: JOHN L. DIXON, 29-Oct-1997