> I just talked to Martin Axon and he informs me and asked me to pass it on,
> that there are two problematic batches of Platine out there. Arches has
> been informed but there has been no recall.
> There is a main tag and a small gum tag on each 25 pack sheet. If the gum
> tag has:
> batch no. 53445 avoid it. Do not buy
> batch no. 53885 it will appear mottled when wet and clear slowly but
> usually will be ok when dry. (My advice would be to avoid this as well.)
> Neither of these paper batches are sold through Martin and come from other
> sources.
Can he let you know what sources were affected? and when were they
distributed to the outlets?
> Martin also says do not use Tween 20 with Platine as they are incompatible.
> Dick Sullivan
> Bostick & Sullivan
> PO Box 16639, Santa Fe
> NM 87506
> 505-474-0890 FAX 505-474-2857
> http://www.bostick-sullivan.com
EJ Neilsen