Re: Engineering / Arts

John Jarosz (
Sat, 08 Nov 1997 10:58:32 -0500

Richard Sullivan wrote:

> book called "The Existential Pleasures of Engineering." Probably
>in the late 70's, but it is still in print, and is a classic
> in the field.

He's Samuel C. Florman. He wrote the above as well as "The
Introspective Engineer" and about 4 other books on related topics. Very
insightful, especially to engineers that practice the craft.

For anyone that thinks high engineering isn't art:.... just look at any
bridge but especially suspension bridges. Actually, IMHO, any endeavor
that results in creation of some thing, be it a book, car, bridge, food,
can be lifted to the art level by the degree of its execution. The
criteria for calling it art may vary from critic to critic, but
EVENTUALLY you will get to the art level.