Re: Negative help, please

Ken Hatch (
Mon, 10 Nov 1997 17:39:47 -0600


I'm doing something I hate for others to do, which is not answer the
question asked, but here goes anyway. Have you tried PMK Pyro for your
negatives? If I understand your question you are looking for a full tonal
range negative for contact printing with a UV lightsorce, if that is the
case other workers have reported that the stain from pyro will give the best
of all worlds, a negative that will have the tonal range for Alt. Printing
and one that will work for projection printing on geletin silver.

ken hatch

-----Original Message-----
From: rdalrymple <>
Date: Monday, November 10, 1997 5:19 PM
Subject: Negative help, please

>I want my large format negatives to have more contrast, yet maintain as
>much tonal range as possible. Not achieving the contrast I want I am
>going to try using a two developers on each negative--the two developers
>being HC110 (or perhaps another full tonal-type developer) and a "litho"
>I would like some suggestions, please as to how I should go about this.
>Should I leave the negatives in the HC110 developer for the full
>prescribed time, then put the negatives in the litho developer for a
>short time? Should I take the negatives out of the HC110 developer a
>minute or two early, then put them in the litho developer for the
>remaining time?
>Should I put the negatives in the litho developer first, then in the
>HC110. Is there another full tonal quality developer that would work
>better in combination with a litho developer?
>I am working on cyanotypes right now, so I need the contrast and full
>tonal qualities on one nevgative.
>I would appreciate any help you could offer. Thank you.
>Marilyn Dalrymple