<<I want my large format negatives to have more contrast, yet maintain
much tonal range as possible. Not achieving the contrast I want I am
going to try using a two developers on each negative->>>
Your question confuses me a bit. You can get lots of contrast and very
full tonal range simply by extending your development in HC110. A
development of sheet TXT, HP5+, TMY, or TMX films at somewhere around
7-9 minutes in HC110B, that is, 50% to 75% more than is normal for
silver, will yield negatives with ample contrast for Pt/Pd and even some
POP processes. Assuming you give enough exposure to assure significant
tone in the shadows, you will most definitely achieve a full tonal scale
this way. Different films have steeper or shallower curves and some
experimentation is in order to find your ideal, but you don't need two
developers to get beautiful alt. process negatives.---Carl