Clearing of Iron Salts in Pt/Pd paper

Thu, 13 Nov 1997 04:22:00 -0500

Message text written by Stephen R Harrison
>(5) I very definitely have trouble using only EDTA as a clearing
agent no matter how many baths I use? Anyone use only EDTA to clear pt/pd
prints? For which papers?<

I experimented with various clearing baths when it became clear that 1 %
HCl softened the image. Citric acid was tried as a weaker acid but the
amount needed made the process logistically inconvenient. Following Mike
Ware's support of EDTA as clearing agent for his ammonia based approach to
Pt/Pd printing, I tried EDTA as the clearing agent for prints made using
the traditional method on Fabriano Artistico and Saunders Waterford. It
certainly seemed to work well but after five years I am beginning to notice
a slight yellowing on some prints. I am assuming that I had not been so
assiduous as I should have been in limiting the number of prints going
through the baths. I have not yet tried reclearing those prints but is
there any reason why they should not clear ? Given that the main
constituent of KODAK hypo clearing agent is EDTA is there another
ingredient that is making it so effective as a final bath or might one be
better off just using another EDTA bath ?

Terry King