Clearing of Iron Salts in Pt/Pd paper (fwd)

Beakman (
Thu, 13 Nov 1997 04:41:01 -0800 (PST)

Terry writes:

> there any reason why they should not clear ? Given that the main
> constituent of KODAK hypo clearing agent is EDTA is there another
> ingredient that is making it so effective as a final bath or might one be
> better off just using another EDTA bath ?

EDTA is not the main constituent of Kodak Hypo Clearing Agent (HCA),
sodium sulfite holds that honor. The other indgredients include: sodium
metabisulfite, sodium citrate, and EDTA. Sodium sulfite on it's own is
quite a good clearing agent and may be cheaper to use than HCA. I use HCA
because of the convenience and effectiveness.

David Fokos