Since my latest batch of Platine seems to be problematic -- Run Number
53536 -- I have been seeking similar-style alternatives. I have been
testing the new Fabriano Uno paper and I will report my findings as they
develop (pun intended).
I just finished the first tests of the 300 lb(!) weight paper. These
first tests were double-coated using only palladium. I also added some
Tween to the mix. The front side of the Uno is very heavily sized, and
even with the addition of the Tween, there is some run-off during
development. However, the backside of the paper is not as heavily sized
and seems to take the sensitizer well -- no run-off, but not too absorbent
either. The image is printing well. There is no solarization with the
pure palladium and the black is very deep. Speed is about the same as the
Platine. Prints are smooth. Clearing is difficult, perhaps even more
difficult than the Platine.
Tomorrow I will be testing well-dried single coats both sides with and
without Tween. Stay tuned.
David Fokos