Re: Use of brayers for bromoil inking

Dennis Southwood (
Wed, 19 Nov 1997 22:32:06 -0800 wrote:

> The bromoil roller ...consists of a wooden core or spool 2 1/2 inches in
> length and 3/4 inch in diameter, overlaid with soft sponge rubber about 5/8
> inch in thickness, which is provided with an outer covering of thick soft
> plush ...

> Question: Are rollers that fit the above 1922 description still used (and
> readily available) in Europe?

I hope I'm wrong, but my impression is that it has been illegal to make
foam rubber for many years now. The polyurethane foams are not at all
the same thing in terms of resiliency, and may not have anything like
the effect of foam rubber. The reason for the ban on foam rubber, as I
understand it, was that it produced extremely toxic smoke when it

Dennis M. Southwood