>The description of the outer covering of the roller... "thick
> soft plush"... sounds like a simple paint roller similar to
> the ones I paint my walls with. Surely there more to it than
> that.
> BTW, this certianly explains my dismal results when I tried a
> hard rubber brayer for applying ink to an oil print.
I have to remember Judy's statement : read the archives!
Klaus Pollmeier explained the use extensively, also the trick with the steam
Just one remark: the simple paint roller you mention is only true if you refer
to the cheap foam rollers, the others are not suitable, just try and see the
mess you have, worse compare to using a new brush, or cheap blotting paper
By the way , David Lewis -he is to be considered as a real expert- is
convinced that using brayers is no alternatif to the brush; better just stay to
the silver gelatine. I did both , and David is right, to have quick results,
yes, and that is it ; the danger is that the combination with the brush technic
does not work; it is like travelling with your car and taking the bike for the
last part. And please, if questions, no problem, if critics, just first try it
out yourself.
-- Henk Thijs tel: +31-(0)43-3661249 Eurocontrol Maastricht UAC fax: +31-(0)43-3661300 Horsterweg 11 email: henk.thijs@eurocontrol.be NL-6191 RX Beek(l) T h e N e t h e r l a n d s