>That's why I said plain Clorox. Ain't that sort of like frigidaire, a
>generic term now? And you're right muriatic is a dilute form of
>hydrochloric, somehting like 27% instead of 30% and beats hell out of me
>why the two names for such a slight difference. [snip]
I recall looking for Muriatic acid in a local hardware store. A saleman
pointed me in the general direction, and as i perused the shelves in the
distance, I noticed that whereas most of the shelves were nice shiny green
in colour, there was one small section coloured dirty brown. As I got
closer, I discovered that the brown was in fact corrosion, and that this
was where the mutiatic acid was kept. Each container was sealed inside a
plastic bag, but that didn't seem to be able to protect the surroundings.
And this stuff was 37%, if I recall. The label on the bottle that I bought
eventually disintegrated; litterally looked burnt, just from the fumes
concentrated in the plastic bag.
Dan C.