Re: Homebuilt enlargers
Dennis Klinker (
Tue, 27 Jan 1998 21:17:20 +0000
In message <>, Jon Grepstad
<> writes
>Mac Legrandi <> (MPPI) wrote:
>> Has anyone come across any web sites on building a 4x5 or larger
>> enlarger? I have a 35mm enlarger but not the finances to buy a 4x5 or alt
>> work. I was thinking about building a light source fror a Graflex camera
>> on a stand.
>Have a look at Doug Bardell's site:
>Jon Grepstad
I can recommend the Focal Press book Creative Photographic Printmaking
by Harold C. Woodhead ISBN 0-240-50880-7 1975 is a good sourse of
information on making a 5x4 enlarger as well as other usefull items such
as pin registration systems as well as being a very in depth book on
Litho processes
Dennis Klinker