EJ Neilsen
William Laven wrote:
> >Adam, et al,
> >
> >I have wondered about using the JOBO for processing Pt/Pd prints but have
> >not yet tried it because of the warnings in all the literature about Never,
> >Never, Ever, under pain of unspecified horrors using the same trays, etc for
> >silver and Pt/Pd. Since my primary use of the JOBO is to process film
> >(using film and developer combinations that simply "won't work") this could
> >be a problem. Of course, the drum would be dedicated, but what about the
> >lift? Is it too small to worry about or is it likely to cause one's hair to
> >fall out, Or worse yet the dread explosion? Just getting carried away,
> >really. O.K. How about stains?
> >
> >Any comments out there?
> >
> >Hal
> The worry about using the same trays for silver and Pt/Pd is a bit
> exaggerated I think. Of course, I keep a very clean darkroom, but I've seen
> other darkrooms and cleaning methods where I would worry about
> contamination. If one is a purist, keeping a kosher dakroom makes sense so
> you can say "This print has platinum metals only" since there would be no
> residual silver from an earlier printing session. But while plastic trays
> do absorb some chemistry, thorough cleaning pretty much eliminates the
> contamination problems people talk about.
> Furthermore, Jobo drums are made with a polypropylene which cleans very
> well. Every few months I take all my Jobo drums, lids, reels, etc and send
> them through the diswasher (minus the drinking glasses, etc., of course) so
> that if I missed anything in my regular cleanings its sure to be gone then.
> In nearly ten years of using Jobos, I've never had a problem with staining,
> cross contamination, etc. Just rinse after every use with water as hot as
> your hands can stand.
> Bill
> *************************************************************************
> Offering Platinum/Palladium printing services and workshops and tutorials
> in Pt/Pd printing and other areas of photography (Zone System, etc.)
> 1931 23rd Street, San Francisco, CA, 94107
> 415-647-9432 (voice) 415-647-9438 (fax)
> wmlaven@platinotype.com
> www.platinotype.com
> *************************************************************************