Re: Sturges under attack again!

Richard Sullivan (
Sun, 22 Feb 1998 20:56:05 -0700

>We "could debate" is an interesting phrase.  I guess for Mr. Wood this is
>question is opened and closed.  I am not so sure.  Perhaps a little debate
>would be healthy instead of the usual knee jerk reactions from left AND
>right. I am on another list where it is politically incorrect to have an
>opinion which expresses even a doubt about the implications and uses of
>photographing nude children.  I think debate rather than assumption is
>needed here.
>Karl Koenig

The argument over nude children in art seems to have been settled during the
Renaissance. Many of the churches are filled with them and funded by Papal
commissions as well. And yes, with real little boy genitalia as well.

Knee jerk? Come on Karl. These folks are going for blood and if you think
they'll stop at Sturges and Barnes and Noble you are wrong. If Sturges was not
under direct attack, I would say that we can afford a nice debate.  Sturges is
represented by major galleries throughout the country and has had major museum
shows. I think the overwhelming  curatorial opinion is that he is not a

He didn't just arrive on the scene yesterday, he has been debated
thoroughly in
the art community. A jury deliberated for less than 15 minutes and found him
not guilty on the first go round. How much more do we need? Knee jerk? No

Do I like his work personally? Not much to not at all.

Do I defend his right to present it?  All the way!

Sorry to start this off topic argument but I think this is important.

--Dick Sullivan