
Ender100 (
Sun, 15 Mar 1998 23:42:25 -0500 (EST)

I apologize if this note is in the wrong discussion group...

I was recently looking at a copy of LensWork magazine <information at> and happened to notice a two page ad in the front consisting
of actual output from Agfa's Chromapress... in fact the entire pages, type,
color photos, and all were original output from this system.

The system is apparently designed for smaller press runs requireing 4 color
ouput from digital files. It was VERY impressive looking!

I was wondering if anyone knows WHERE one might get a print done this way and
if anyone knows anything about how permanent the output is?

Enjoy what I am learning from everyone out there in this group.



PS: Has this group ever considered an online gallery for participants og this
group to submit to? It would be great to see some work done using the
processes that everyone is talking about!