> At 4:59 PM -0500 98/03/18, Ender100 wrote:
> >I have an Epson Stylus Photo that I have been using since Christmas. I have
> >some prints from it that have been hanging on my wall for a couple of months
> >with no noticeable fading. For the price, I don't think you can beat it!
> At the store where I was looking at the printer, I made some comments about
> the poor lightfastness of the inks to a salesman. Trying to reassure me
> that it wasn't that bad he took me over to an area where the staff had put
> some of the prints they had made with it. As we got closer he suddenly shut
> up and looked at the prints with an air of disbelief... Areas of the prints
> that should have been black were dark brown. The rest of the colors were
> washed out.
> Enjoy your prints while they last. You won't enjoy them very long.
> Luis Nadeau
> Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
> http://www3.nbnet.nb.ca/nadeaul/
I'll second the motion. Nobody's claiming "memories forever".
But we must understand that these prints will be only "memories".
Ed Meyers