Re: light sources and print color

Eric Neilsen (
Tue, 31 Mar 1998 19:14:34 -0700

Let us assume that you are talking about platinum/palladium printing.
Then let's also assume that you are using traditional chemistry.

Let's not. What are you making and what are you using?

The mecury lamps will need to be idenitied as well. Who made them and
which ones are they.

The output info that I have from several sources varies quite a bit
depending on lamp #.

Then we can look at what wave lengths are doing what.

It might also be related to printing times and humidity and not the
light shorter printing times but hotter light, ???

William Laven wrote:
> Dear all,
> So, who has a good explanation of why different light sources print
> different colors? For example, my mercury lamp prints aooler than my
> actinics. Differences in speed and contrast I understand and have been
> discussed on the list before, but what explains the print color differences?
> Bill
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Eric J. Neilsen