Re: Printing Frames

Eric Neilsen (
Tue, 31 Mar 1998 19:06:20 -0700

Yes, I deal with Gary Widemshek in the Denver Office. His number is
800.525.0259. They also have offices in Pleasanton, Modesto, Chino,
Fresno, San Diego, Seattle and Portland. email

Hope this helps, Gary seems to be very helpful.

William Laven wrote:
> >Bob, you might try Doug Kennedy as a source for replacement springs. I
> >use his on the frames that I make for myself. I have his info on my web
> >site. You might look it up there. I have used his springs for a 20x24
> >frame and just got some to make a 11x14 frame.
> >
> >I also have been using a backing made out of Poron, bought from the Boyd
> >Corporation. It is like neoprene but has a cellular memoery so it won't
> >flatten out.
> >
> >Good luck.
> >
> I've got several of Doug's frames and they're great. His price sheet
> doesn't incloude a "student model" which he makes out of a nice veneer
> plywood which costs about $20 less than the pine model. Great design, nice
> snug fit, etc etc.
> Eric, do you have an address and phone number for Boyd Corproation? Sounds
> like a nice product.
> Bill
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Eric J. Neilsen