APIS 97 publication

Peter Marshall (petermarshall@cix.compulink.co.uk)
Tue, 21 Apr 1998 23:53 +0000

In-Reply-To: <199804210406_MC2-3A89-8E28@compuserve.com>
> I have had to abandon the idea of the book on last year's APIS as among
> other things, there was not sufficient economic justification. Do you
> think that this might also be true of APIS Oporto ?
> Whatever the position please let us know soon.
> Terry

Is there a lot of material from last year's APIS that might now go on a
web site instead then Terry? If so I'd be happy at some point to put it
on-line - unless someone with a site with a better feed would want to do

Peter Marshall

On Fixing Shadows and elsewhere:
Family Pictures, German Indications, London demonstrations &
The Buildings of London etc: http://www.spelthorne.ac.uk/pm/