Re: Platine help

Keith Schreiber (
Tue, 12 May 1998 19:09:19 -0700

Last week I attempted to print on the back side of a sheet of Platine and
got horrible splotchy irregular staining. No problem printing on the front.


-----Original Message-----
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, May 12, 1998 3:51 PM
Subject: RE: Platine help

>Wow - that's a good one! Haven't seen that batch myself, but it would
>be obvious. The back is much rougher than the front, especially after
>it has been wet then re-dried. Good prints can be made on either side,
>but most folks seem to prefer the smoother side, myself included.
>> Don,
>> There is a rumor going around that the watermark was printed backwards
>> on at
>> least one batch. Try printing on the "wrong" side. It may help with
>> some of
>> the bad batches.
>> David