> Didn't find "bisque" in my dictionary...
According to my Websters dictionary:
bisque - 1. biscuit ceramic ware, specifically such ware left unglazed
in the finished state. 2. a red-yellow color
> "tooth" to print on with gum? A thin gelatin size should work, but the
> tile must be very clean and the gelatin hardened.
I'm curious about the "tooth" issue too. I'm also wondering if the
gelatin size might not smooth out what tooth you had to start with, or
does the gum penetrate into the gelatin somewhat?
> Wasserglas (water glass?)
Waterglass is a term used for either sodium (usually) or potassium
silicate. Your second reference (Natronwasserglas) was probably specifying
sodium silicate.
- Wayde