Re: Digital reply
Mon, 11 Jan 1999 12:32:31 -0700

It does not matter the content or subject, for what I was referring to was
the comparison between film and digital techniques. It is a simple fact
that digital can't compare to film, period. Film is far sharper and fine
grained than any digital process. Not to mention the problem of longevity.
Output from digital printers can't be guaranteed to last the same length of
time as my Kodachromes.

FYI: I have had extremely high end digital systems demonstrated to our
department, and even those 50 thousand dollar beauties produce results that
are simply not as good as film. The last system I had a chance to see was
the Digital scanning cameras from Leica. Great results, but not equal to

Digital will get there hopefully, but the dream of high end, high quality
digital for most of us is a long way off I am afraid.


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