Re: Proofing (Study Prints) for Alt. Process

Steve Shapiro (
Wed, 20 Jan 1999 20:44:36 -0800

>> Still, to my mind, Proof Prints are saleable.
>Yes, if the proof prints happen to be good quality, why not?
>But, well, I seldom say this.... in fact, I have never said this to
>but considering there was some reaction about/against the thread that
>about whether digital negs can produce the same effect as contone negs for
>some *alt processes,* I really don't think the sales of prints would
>a lot of members on this mailing list. I don't mean to be mean or impolite,
>but just a gentle reminder about the nature of this list.
Well Dave,

There are some of us whose criteria for good and bad are worded in
commercial terms.

Werner Erheard talked about people buying into an idea, and he didn't mean
with money.

But, on the other spectrum, yeah. What's wrong with commercial criteria
entering into this subscription list?

I think offering stuff for sale might be 'over the edge,' but not
discussions about the meaningful nature of our work as 'saleable or


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