Re: tri-x and bpf 200

Tom Ferguson (
Tue, 26 Jan 1999 14:24:41 -0800

> Carl, Steve,et al I am using HP4 in 8x20 format, and HP5 in 5x7,
>and am having difficulty getting enough density to print properly with
>PT or PD. I use spot and incident meters, and have tried exposing
>as low as EI 50. I tray develop, one shot, using HC110 or Ilfotec HC,
>but have recently tried D-76 and Rodinal, for up to 150% but still no
>luck. Any advice? Patrick Close

Well, my name isn't Carl or Steve, but I'll speak up anyway ;-)

"Density" may be interpreted as an EI function. That is, what ISO do you
shot/meter at. This determines how much "shadow" info you have. For HP-5
and platinum I use an EI of 125. But I doubt that is what you mean.

The problem most people have with alt processes is getting enough density
range (the difference between the shadows and highlights). This is
controlled by developing. I do use HP-5 and HC-110. HP-5 is the most
available 11x14 camera film around my area. Why doesnt Kodak make 11x14
T-max 400........

I can get "normal" (for me) platinum negs at 30ml of pure concentrate per
liter of developer at 70 degree F for 10 minutes in a tray. That is for a
scene stretching from zone 2 to zone 8. I THINK that is about double
Illford's recommended time?? If I need an expansion, I find much better
results increasing the dilution of the developer and the time, rather than
just increasing time. For a plus one I would use 50ml per liter of
developer (instead of 30) and 12 minutes (instead of 10).

Hope that helps

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