Re: Real Alternative Developing Agents

jewelia (
Fri, 12 Feb 1999 16:24:20 -0800

actually, i think urine development is as legit as any other topic and of
interest--i found this interesting myself more than most of the other stuff
goin' on here--I know a lot of sculptors who incorporate their own urine
into their patinas and if you think i am being gross or talking about a few
odd balls--you're quite mistaken. if a conversation started about making
pyro from oak galls, which you be so sensitive? besides, in my youth, in my
sculpture class (a university course) we were instructed in a number of
techniques of doing it on our bronzes by my professor who had a great career
and was well respected--he considered this a very serious component of art
making. I mean making art is making art period and it involves parts of the
body and a lot of sweat and agony besides other things. if i could use
urine to develop film (the acid content would be a problem), i would do it
as performance art as well as my image-making to make a statement about
making art and the body. i always wanted to make platinum prints on the
sidewalk myself.

and oh yes, i made a little dumb joke--sorry to bother you with my bad

that's the problem with dictating what goes on lists and what is art--it is
just not that simple. if i'm not interested--i just use my delete
button--simple for me. this is about sharing--at least i think it should
be. the community doesn't have to be groomed to look like some particular
person's ideal of alt photo--cause it ain't.

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