Re: Web vs print (was exhibition alt imagery)

Peter Marshall (
Sat, 13 Feb 1999 21:25 +0000 (GMT)

> My own experience is that, although the list is a PRICELESS resource,
> Web
> pages are uneven. There is much MIS-information. The great beauty (or
> one
> of them) of The List is that it's interactive, that is, error is almost
> certainly corrected, or a warp modified, sooner probably than later.
> I've
> found absolute HOWLERS on web pages, and how is the tyro to know?
> (Until
> I get an e-mail from them saying "I read so and so on a Web page,
> and....)."


Of course there are things that are wrong on the web - and so there are in
PF - I wrote to you about some of those in the first issue - and in any
other printed source you can name, including at least one widely (except
here)recommended book on gum which we would probably both name.

One advantage of a web site is that errors can be corrected very quickly
once they are pointed out. Given the scrutiny of the members of this list
we could very quickly build up a pretty authoritative web-site. It takes a
long time to correct errors in print, and quite a few go uncorrected. We
all know of errors that have been copied from one print publication to
another over the years.

There would also be room on a web site for exploring alternative
approaches to processes - as we know there is more than one way to make a
gum print - and you can even use Gloy!

We could use animation or video to show some of the trickier to describe
manipulations. High quality colour pictures (you can print better, but
only if you have a huge budget.)

Of course there is still a place for the printed page - I've got a house I
can hardly get into for books, but there are things you can do better,
faster and far more cheaply in other media.

But putting things on the web doesn't stop people doing other things - it
just provides alternatives. If some people want to do things other ways as
well, then that's no problem. Let's try to be positive about things.

Peter Marshall

On Fixing Shadows and elsewhere:
Family Pictures, German Indications, London demonstrations &
The Buildings of London etc:

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