Sun, 14 Feb 1999 18:05:48 -0500 (EST)
In a message dated 2/14/99 5:05:57 PM, writes:
<< Does anyone have any information on Mortensen? Anybody on this list go
to his school? Anybody know where to find copies of the letters in
Camera craft Magazine between him and Ansel Adams?
I am interested in learning more about William Mortensen and his
photographic processes. Any leads or information would be appriciated.
Thanks in advance,
Curtis Fant >>
Check out the University of Arizona. They recently published a great book with
essays by several knowledgable "Mortensenians".
Joe Besse
P.S. Also check out the ABE booksearch site on the web. They have about 70 or
80 of Mortensen's out of print books.
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