Re: negative puzzle

Carl Weese (
Sun, 21 Feb 1999 08:44:52 -0500


This is just a guess but I think you are running into a mismatch between
the spectral sensitivity of the specific film you are enlarging on and
the color of your cold light tubes. The pyro stain somehow cancels out
the problem, so might a "filter" of some sort. If this is a cold light
with two sets of different color tubes, turn on the other set as well as
the green ones and see what happens.

I recently ran into streaks in negatives that only appeared in platinum
prints: not when printed in silver, and not visible to the naked eye
examining the neg on a lightbox. Apparantly the defects, whether caused
in manufacture or in processing, are "visible" only to UV light. The
manufacturer is examining them and I don't have a definitive answer
about it yet. But you may have a somewhat parallel effect happening.


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