jewelia (
Sun, 21 Feb 1999 11:37:13 -0800
perhaps--what someone suggested is that you could use a little more of a
diffuser--that's the purpose of the creature--to spread out that imperfect
light i'm sure you know--what might be goin' on is the pyro stain in the
negative might be doing this for you in a way -- the greenish stain would
absorb a certain spectrum and all absorbsion involves collisions really
anyway so on a very small scale its like basketball inside that film--its
just a far-fetched idea -- if this is the case -- you'd just need -- maybe
well that opal glass stuff is really good compared to the plastic we tend to
use these days but expensive---maybe just a second, thicker, or other
diffusing material will work and here is a really weird idea--i mean could
you make a "zone 5" pyro neg the size of your diffuser since perhaps this is
workin' not mount it in the carrier but in the diffuser--just a weird idea
that might suffice for cold lights but i wouldn't try it on a condenser
do the benefits of pyro developers ever stop?
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