Re: re-photographing negatives

Nick Makris (
Sun, 21 Feb 1999 15:58:37 -0800

I have copied many negative with E6 film, usually Dupe film. If color is
not critical, it is a one step process that you can rely on.
The down side is that color film (even if the image is b/w) can not be
successfully projected in a condensor enlarger (I'm sure someone has a
comment on this part, but that's my experience).


>>> Has anyone tried "taking a picture" of a small negative on a light
>> table with a large format camera. I realize that a very long bellows
>> stretch would be necessary but I think that about 20 inches extension on
>> a 4x5 would be okay for a 6x6 cm neg and maybe 35mm.
>I used to do that with nitrate negatives that have become damaged. Usually,
>it was because any contact prints would have caused the negative to break
>because of the pressure. You have to be very accurate in your process
>because you need to make a third film to get it back to negative.

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