Re: water distillation units

Steve Shapiro (
Tue, 02 Mar 1999 17:19:00 -0800

Subject: water distillation units

>OK all you alt. process folks concerned about purity and consistency of
>your secret magic potions--any recomendations for an affordable
>low-capacity water distillation unit? I'm running into a variety of
>problems that lead me to think I'm going to have to switch to distilled
>water for some fairly hefty volumes like film developers and presoaks
>(these are large volumes when you shoot 12x20). Won't hurt for all the
>other chemicals either.

Boiled water has the virtue of low oxigenated liquid for mixing chemicals,
and a diaphram filter will take away any remaining chemicals. Put it all in
a 'rain cathcing' barrel with spigot, youcan buy or special order from most
any hardware and Voila!

Or, for $2.50 you can get the necessary two and a half gallons of distilled
water at the grocery for 12X20 inch processing.

I'd go for the rain catcher installed in my home, personally.

S. Shapiro

I researched this to duplicate the Portuguese roof design option for here in
water poor Carmel.

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