Re: zia and gold

Richard Sullivan (
Fri, 05 Mar 1999 11:30:04 -0700

Great observation! I too have seen this phenomenon but I never paid it much
attention. It is only after Nze points it out that the big Aha! happens.
This is one of the great functions of a forum like this. The group mind is
bigger than any one individual.

So much of good science is just being a good observer.

Good observation Nze!

--Dick Sullivan

At 12:34 PM 3/5/99 -0500, you wrote:
>hello all
>a little add to the words I said about gold and ziatype.
>I forget to tell you that when you use a zia gold solution It's better to
>use a new clearing for each print (if you don't use to).
>If you don't do that It will devellop a lot and it will stain tha print as
>gold will react with the ferric contain in the clearing bath.
>nze christian (france)

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