careful what you say... Was: Re: David Fokos Ad

Luis Nadeau (
Sat, 06 Mar 1999 20:06:14 -0400

At 12:03 AM -0500 99/3/4, Darryl Baird wrote:


>Who knows, maybe this list will be studied some day. So, be careful what
>you say!

I can assure you that this list is being studied by sociologists,
anthropologists, psychologists, shrinks, and other therapists. They are all
standing outside the cage, reading us in the Archives and watching our
daily posts. I am sure that this is one of the hottest live laboratories
they can see on their computer screen and they are having a field day.

Some of them told me so directly.

I could name some of the more interesting specimens that are being studied,
but so can most anyone. These specimens have no idea that they are in fact
standing completely naked in front of scores of students studying their
every move. Their childhood is being dissected, their psycho-sexual
development and upbringing are being analyzed, their... Well, you get the

There may also be some students of alt-photo studying this list but they
don't seem to be as numerous, unfortunately.

Luis Nadeau
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

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