UV light sources, was Re: replenishing dichromate for pt developer

Sandy King (sanking@hubcap.clemson.edu)
Tue, 16 Mar 1999 22:58:46 -0400

>On Tue, 16 Mar 1999, Judy Seigel wrote:

>> I am currently printing with 350na BL fluorescent tubes. For a couple of
>> years I used GE Daylight tubes, which required an approximate 2X increase
>> in sensitizer strength to give the same contrast.
>Any particular reason for switching back? Just the change in sensitizer,
>or....? You make me curious.

The reason for switching back is that I had a 15 year data base of printing
information based on the BL tubes.This allowed me to make farily identical
reprints in carbon with a minimum of trouble. With the GE Daylight tubes my
printing data, though not entirely useless, did not allow this degree of
accuracy in making reprints. So, all things being equal, I returned to the
printing lights of yesteryear.

Were I asked to start form fresh my light source of choice for carbon
printing would be something in the super actnic range, i.e., approximately
420na. I believe this light source would also work as well or better with
gum than the 350na tubes, provided one adjusted the strength of the
dichromte to the light source.

Sandy King

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