Re: Salted paper blotch

Peter Marshall (
Sat, 20 Mar 1999 18:00 +0000 (GMT)

> Hi Guys,
> HELP!!!
> I am trying to do salted paper but just can't get it uniform. The image
> comes awful (looks like a peeled wall)
> I am brushing the salt and silver nitrate solutions.
> Thanks for the help
> Joao
Why brush the salt? Soak the paper for a minute or two and then hang to

When you brush the silver nitrate on, you need to be fairly generous -
don't try to spread it too far. Brush across and back, then up and down to
make sure. For this step use subdued light - avoid sun or other UV sources
 or even some fluorescent may be a problem. Dry in a reasonably dark place

Peter Marshall

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