Re: Film Development tubes and Negative Streaking

Sil Horwitz (
Sun, 21 Mar 1999 14:36:12 -0500

At 99/03/21 07:02 AM -0800, Steve Shapiro wrote:

>This seems to me as the problem. Shking like that creates an oxidized
>developer; and the whole reason for using distilled water is to use water
>with as little oxygen because the developer oxidizes and becomes a
>suspension of unuseable chemicals.

No way. Most distilled water sold in supermarkets, etc., has more dissolved
oxygen than tap water. The reason for using distilled water is that it is purer
than tap water and the calcium and other salts aren't present, so you don't get
unwanted precipitates.

If you truly are worried about water having too much oxygen in it, boil it -
any kind. In my experience, the only water having great amounts of oxygen is
aerated water, or water from bubbling mountain streams!

Sil Horwitz, FPSA
Technical Editor, PSA Journal
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